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May 20, 2024

feedback 5/07東歐六國13天精緻之旅



feedback 5/07東歐六國13天精緻之旅



Shu Chuan, Dawn Chang



May 20, 2024

feedback 5/07東歐六國13天精緻之旅

Thank you very much. learned a lot of things during the trip enjoy a very much

feedback 5/07東歐六國13天精緻之旅

Thank you very much. learned a lot of things during the trip enjoy a very much

Aiping Chen 愛萍



May 02, 2024

feedback 1979 北一女重聚之旅

@Debbie Huang @Doris 賈

feedback 美國大峽谷北一女 1979 重聚之旅
@Debbie Huang @Doris 賈





Dec 05, 2023

feedback 澳洲+紐西蘭14天深度雙國之旅

Hi, Debbie
我們昨天回到美國了,非常謝謝Gary全程陪同我們。非常盡責 貼心(1)這一次旅遊有三位團員剛好過生日。他自費買了三個蛋糕,替團員慶生 (2)有兩位團員紐西蘭簽證辦成轉機,不能入境,Gary 在墨爾本機場替他們及時辦理紐西蘭簽証 (3)在墨爾本有一天錯過了午餐,他在路上下車到便利商店買了30個三明治請大家 (4)最後一天的午餐他請每一位團員一份飲料。 大家都很高興一路有Gary 相伴。大家相處非常愉快。謝謝妳安排Gary 做我們領隊 。大家對這次旅遊也非常滿意,評語是吃的好、住得好、玩得好、風景美。謝謝妳

我們昨天回到美國了,非常謝謝Gary全程陪同我們。非常盡責 貼心(1)這一次旅遊有三位團員剛好過生日。他自費買了三個蛋糕,替團員慶生 (2)有兩位團員紐西蘭簽證辦成轉機,不能入境,Gary 在墨爾本機場替他們及時辦理紐西蘭簽証 (3)在墨爾本有一天錯過了午餐,他在路上下車到便利商店買了30個三明治請大家 (4)最後一天的午餐他請每一位團員一份飲料。 大家都很高興一路有Gary 相伴。大家相處非常愉快。謝謝妳安排Gary 做我們領隊 。大家對這次旅遊也非常滿意,評語是吃的好、住得好、玩得好、風景美。謝謝妳

Cindy Fang



Sept 13, 2023

1)I have to give Henry Feng, out Tour Manager, 5 star. Henry 是一位很好的導遊,他不但很懂瑞士,而且認真負責。
2)希望以後 歐之旅 的團都能有像Henry ㄧ樣背景的導遊,e.g. 是旅遊當地的華人,這樣才能真正的了解旅遊當地的文化風土民情。

1)I have to give Henry Feng, out Tour Manager, 5 star. Henry 是一位很好的導遊,他不但很懂瑞士,而且認真負責。
2)希望以後 歐之旅 的團都能有像Henry ㄧ樣背景的導遊,e.g. 是旅遊當地的華人,這樣才能真正的了解旅遊當地的文化風土民情。

Isabelle Liu



Sept 18, 2023

feedback East Europe sept 6-16 2023 via Sally Hwang

1)we like the itenary, compared with 美加 (柏林去華沙-人數不足開團)及超值 (東歐只有兩國深度旅遊
2)行程很好:先風景 最後三大國都
3)good to include all dinners and breakfast and 1 lunch at horse school 省麻煩
4)sally hwang excellent; explained in depth history and religeons history
5)driver Timpo good 態度和情緒都好 也幫忙行李

feedback East Europe sept 6-16 2023 via Sally Hwang

1)we like the itenary, compared with 美加 (柏林去華沙-人數不足開團)及超值 (東歐只有兩國深度旅遊
2)行程很好:先風景 最後三大國都
3)good to include all dinners and breakfast and 1 lunch at horse school 省麻煩
4)sally hwang excellent; explained in depth history and religeons history
5)driver Timpo good 態度和情緒都好 也幫忙行李

Ning Chang



Aug 9, 2023

本來2021 年八月份要參加 坦尚尼亞, 肯亞旅遊但因疫情取消,我們是歐之旅常客,看到有肯亞加馬達加斯加的行程,四人成行,就邀請幾位志同道合的朋友一起加入,共六位肯亞行程結束後隔天直飛馬達加斯加首都Antananarivo 開始七天六夜精彩探險之旅,全球第四大島。我們看到了聞名世界猴麵包樹大道的日落美景和很多可愛的狐猴,馬達加斯加的野生動物和戶外探險活動的確多姿多采,海灘非常美,沙灘上住了許多漁民,住在簡陋的茅草屋,人民和善,一直擔心食物不習慣吃,但是天天吃的是最新鮮的海產,因為以前是法國殖民地,所以法國餐也常吃到,唯一缺點國家窮,路況差,像會暈車的我一定要帶上暈車藥,這次探險之旅驚喜連連雖然累但是很值得一遊。
“歐之旅” 精心設計的 肯亞+馬達加斯加 16 天行程、旅館、餐飲安排的都非常棒 特此感謝與推薦!
本來2021 年八月份要參加 坦尚尼亞, 肯亞旅遊但因疫情取消,我們是歐之旅常客,看到有肯亞加馬達加斯加的行程,四人成行,就邀請幾位志同道合的朋友一起加入,共六位肯亞行程結束後隔天直飛馬達加斯加首都Antananarivo 開始七天六夜精彩探險之旅,全球第四大島。我們看到了聞名世界猴麵包樹大道的日落美景和很多可愛的狐猴,馬達加斯加的野生動物和戶外探險活動的確多姿多采,海灘非常美,沙灘上住了許多漁民,住在簡陋的茅草屋,人民和善,一直擔心食物不習慣吃,但是天天吃的是最新鮮的海產,因為以前是法國殖民地,所以法國餐也常吃到,唯一缺點國家窮,路況差,像會暈車的我一定要帶上暈車藥,這次探險之旅驚喜連連雖然累但是很值得一遊。
“歐之旅” 精心設計的 肯亞+馬達加斯加 16 天行程、旅館、餐飲安排的都非常棒 特此感謝與推薦!

Judy & David



Jul 23, 2023

Hi, Debbie and Alan, 
This is Weili Kang and Li Ching Ho. We joined the Switzerland 12 days tour from 7/11-7/23 with Henry Feng. 

I want to tell you all that all foods are amazing in these 12 days. The schedule was well organized. The schedule does not make us tired but also very interested. I love that on the last day to see the Lion stone and shopping because it really ends of trip well with its loyal history story of French Revolution with Switzerland soldiers. 

Our tour guide Henry is full with knowledge and very funny. He made us laughed so much and taught us many things about the place and travel knowledge. He is one of the best tour guides that I have ever known. I will come here again and I will want him to be my tour guide again. He was full with energy and chat with us on the bus all the time. He made sure we are all safely pass the airport check-in and, on the flight, safely. I really recommend you to let Henry teach rest of your new tour guide about how to lead a group. He is a great teacher and a great leader. 

Hi, Debbie and Alan, 
This is Weili Kang and Li Ching Ho. We joined the Switzerland 12 days tour from 7/11-7/23 with Henry Feng. 

I want to tell you all that all foods are amazing in these 12 days. The schedule was well organized. The schedule does not make us tired but also very interested. I love that on the last day to see the Lion stone and shopping because it really ends of trip well with its loyal history story of French Revolution with Switzerland soldiers. 

Our tour guide Henry is full with knowledge and very funny. He made us laughed so much and taught us many things about the place and travel knowledge. He is one of the best tour guides that I have ever known. I will come here again and I will want him to be my tour guide again. He was full with energy and chat with us on the bus all the time. He made sure we are all safely pass the airport check-in and, on the flight, safely. I really recommend you to let Henry teach rest of your new tour guide about how to lead a group. He is a great teacher and a great leader. 

Weili Kang and Li Ching Ho



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